Plenty of New Guidance Published

XBRL International’s various task forces have been hard at work across 2020 to bring us new guidance materials that help point users of XBRL in the right direction.
In March the Best Practices Board updated guidance on Extensible Enumerations, a powerful feature of XBRL that, with proper use, can help improve data quality. In July the Filing Manual Working Group published guidance for market regulators that needs to be considered when developing filing rules for systems that use extension taxonomies. In October, The Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF) published updated Taxonomy Publication and Packages Guidance that highlights best practice for anyone publishing XBRL taxonomies, and in November TAGTF released updated recommendations on the supporting documents that should accompany a taxonomy.
All of this useful guidance wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer task force members – so we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved for all your hard work! And if you’d like to get more involved with the XBRL Standard in 2021, this is a great place to start.