Report Packages specification progresses with Proposed Recommendation

The XBRL Standards Board has approved a further Proposed Recommendation for the XBRL Report Packages 1.0 specification, incorporating improvements fed back by the XBRL community.
The Report Packages specification defines a standard container structure for XBRL reports. Why do they need one? Reports often consist of multiple files, which may utilise different XBRL formats like Inline XBRL, xBRL-XML, xBRL-JSON, and xBRL-CSV, as well as supporting files such as extension taxonomies, images and style sheets. The specification provides a standardised mechanism for assembling XBRL reports into a single file.
The use of the Report Packages specification will ensure that compliant software is able to automatically identify, process, and present XBRL reports, reducing issues with compatibility and sharing. The specification also introduces two new file extensions – ‘.xbr’ and ‘.xbri’ – to help users easily identify XBRL reports.
We expect the specification to move to final Recommendation status very shortly, so watch this space for more news. In the meantime, find it here.