Say Hello to XenoData Lab

A Japanese equities valuation and information startup caught our eye this week.
XenoData Lab, based in Tokyo, has brought to market an analytical platform that provides easily consumable snapshots, or digests about companies within a minute of financial statements being submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. XenoData pulls data from multiple sources, including the XBRL filings, PDF documents and related news stories to provide information to analysts and investors. Funded in part by the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFG’s Fintech Accelerator, the small company is now up and running and delivering analysis to clients.
The secret sauce? Proprietary natural language analytics that can examine text and allows the company to present data in terms of cause and effect. This extends to looking at macro-economic factors, such as changes in currency or oil prices, and demonstrating the linkages between financial results and the internal and external events that drive them. Analytics are moving fast. Strong foundations in the form of structured data that comes directly from companies is a key part of these changes in the corporate reporting world. Find out more here. (In Japanese but Chrome’s translation tools continue to help!)