SEC Roundtable on Short-Termism Coming Up

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are hosting a roundtable on July 18 to hear from investors, issuers and others on the impact of short-termism on capital markets.
An excessive focus on short-term results in corporate thinking could lead to inefficient capital markets, poor investment returns and economic instability – however, the cause of short-termism in corporate thinking is not always obvious. The SEC are looking into whether their current reporting system, or other aspects of regulation, could be modified to address concerns about short-termism.
The roundtable will be held at the SEC headquarters in Washington DC and is open to the public. It will also be broadcast live online and archived for later viewing. Members of the public who wish to comment on the impact of short-termism may submit concerns in advance.
Details of the agenda and instructions for submitting comments can be found here.