So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

Thank you! To Canada, where Jerry Trites, long time advocate for digital reporting in Canada, and stalwart of XBRL Canada is retiring at the end of June. Over a long career, including 22 years as a KPMG partner, as a staff member, consultant and frequent volunteer for CPA Canada and its predecessor body, the Canadian Institute of Charted Accountants and as a Professor of Accounting and Information systems, Jerry has made his mark. He has helped innumerable people in Canada, and around the world, think about accounting, disclosure and reporting through a technological and analytical lens.
Jerry, on behalf of all your friends around the world and the wider XBRL International community, we’d like to wish you all the best for your retirement. May you enjoy many, many more years of sailing, writing, poetry and the company of friends and family in Nova Scotia!