Specifications achieve Proposed Recommendation status

In August, the XBRL Standards Board voted to publish the xBRL-CSV, xBRL-JSON and xBRL-XML specifications to Proposed Recommendation, the final step before they mature to Recommendation status.
The specifications offer new, streamlined options for data collection and analysis. xBRL-CSV provides a compact reporting format that meets the needs of the increasing trend for granular data reporting, while xBRL-JSON delivers XBRL data in an easy-to-consume, developer-friendly format, and xBRL-XML is closest to traditional XBRL, enabling a smooth transition for users. They were developed under the Open Information Model strategic initiative to simplify and modernise digital reporting. Never fear! The existing XBRL 2.1 Specifications Stack is not going anywhere and will continue to be maintained and improved going forward. The new formats merely provide new options and new capabilities for XBRL reporting, collection and analysis.
Now is the time, if you have not already, to consider the potential of the new formats and how you might deploy them – and we’ll be bringing you more case studies, demonstrations and proofs of concept in the coming weeks and months. We encourage all our readers to review and comment on the specifications during this final window, no later than 15 September 2021.
Read more here.