Structured Business: How can Structured Data Improve Outcomes?

Standardisation, be it in the realm of technology or definitions/semantics, is essential for clarity, comparability and efficiency.
This plenary session at Data Amplified, “Transforming Business: How can structured data improve outcomes?” will focus on the way that standards assist with business reporting, and what can be done in the future with standards to further improve reporting.
The session will cover various areas where standardisation is having an impact. Malaysia and South Africa are seeing the benefits standardisation can bring this past year, as they rolled out mandatory reporting in XBRL and Inline XBRL respectively. The European Central Bank (ECB) also utilises standardised data for vital information on the strength and safety of the banking system within the Eurozone. The session will also include a discussion of the potential for enhanced trust that could be created by combining the LEI with digital certificates.
Our panelists will debate the future of standardisation, offering practical advice on the impact of new technologies on reporting and on standards. Panellists include Dato’ Zahrah Fenner, CEO of the Malaysian business registrar, Commissioner Adv. Rory Voller, Head of the South African Companies and Intellectual Property Commisison, Alessandro Bonara of the European Central Bank, and Karla McKenna, Head of Standards at the GLEIF.