Technical FAQ for report packages: a guide for software developers

This week we published a new technical FAQ document aimed at software developers who are working with XBRL Report Packages.
These packages serve as a standardised way of consolidating various files constituting an XBRL or Inline XBRL report into a single archive, boosting usability and easing submission processes.
The Report Package structure encompasses two primary file types: Inline XBRL report packages (.xbri) and Non-Inline XBRL report packages (.xbr). These packages, typically in ZIP format, streamline the handling of XBRL reports, simplifying interactions for both users and software systems.
The technical FAQ document addresses common queries faced by software developers, providing clarity on essential aspects of Report Package construction and management. It covers questions relating to file extensions, placement of documents, handling of XBRL reports, metadata files, the use of the ZIP archive format (but preferably not the .zip suffix) and more.
XBRL Report Packages offer a standardised solution for managing XBRL reports efficiently. As the digital reporting landscape evolves, adherence to these new solutions ensures seamless interoperability and enhances transparency in business reporting practices. They are also designed to simplify subsequent implementation of digital signatures over XBRL reports.
This resource is designed to guide software developers to ensure they can navigate Report Package construction with confidence. Other stakeholders can find a higher-level overview in our previous Understanding Report Packages guidance.
Dive into the guidance here.