Updated Guidance: Taxonomy Publication and Packages

Taxonomies are at the heart of any XBRL implementation and are used by a wide range of stakeholders such as preparers, software vendors, collectors, and consumers. Taxonomies need to be easily accessible, and XBRL International publishes guidance that provides best practice recommendation recommendations for publishing XBRL taxonomies.
The Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF) working under XBRL International’s Best Practice Board has recently updated this guidance to cover additional topics, include the use of secure (https) URLs, and recommendations for how to reference third party taxonomies.
The guidance covers the use of Taxonomy Packages, a mechanism for publishing taxonomies in a consistent way that makes it easier for users to understand a taxonomy’s entry points, enables the taxonomy to be uploaded to the XBRL International Taxonomy Registry and facilitates working with offline copies of the taxonomy. The updated guidance provides best practice recommendations on how to construct a Taxonomy Package.
Please send your feedback and comments on this draft guidance to the task force.
Access the guidance here.