What have we learned from the widespread implementation of mandatory digital reporting?

Numerous countries use Inline XBRL as the gold standard for IFRS-based financial reporting. In particular, in Europe we now have two years of experience of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) – and some interesting insights from that are discussed above. Meanwhile in the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) continues to expand its use of Inline XBRL in a range of reporting requirements, expanding well beyond US GAAP and IFRS financial statements.
So what have we learnt about Inline XBRL in the last year or two? What are the latest technical updates and ideas, and how do we assure optimal quality and utility, and what do analysts need from it? What have we learnt about assurance of digital data? And – of tremendous pressing importance – how should we apply all that we know to the new sustainability reporting mandates, and what are the next steps for digital-first sustainability disclosures?
These will all be hot questions at Data Amplified 2023, so join us in Zurich on 16–17 October to join the discussion. Register today at https://www.dataamplified.org/.