XBRL Glossary Released for Public Comment

The XBRL Best Practices Board has published the first public draft of a glossary that aims to provide clear and simplified terminology for XBRL concepts, aimed at business users rather than software developers.
The use of technical jargon plucked from Specifications, while correct and appropriate for software developers, can make XBRL seem too complicated for the lay person. It is, after all, a toolkit intended for use in solving business issues, and it is important that users on that side of the equation be able to grasp XBRL’s fundamentals. The glossary prepared by the Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force is an important step in part of a wider effort by the consortium to provide non-technical introductory materials and prescriptive guidance resources to members, making XBRL easier to implement and use.
Read the glossary. Comments may be submitted to tagtf-feedback@xbrl.org.