
XBRL Sweden Conference Presentations Available

Posted on October 12, 2018 by Editor

Our colleagues at XBRL Sweden held their annual conference on October 4 – congratulations on what we hear was a successful and enlightening day! If you couldn’t make it, the presentations from the conference are now available to download on their website.

The morning of the conference focused on the upcoming switch to digital financial reporting to ESMA in the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF). The presentations included an introduction to ESEF from ESMA’s Anna Sciortino and an outline of the process of reporting to the Swedish regulator, the Finansinspektionen, followed by two companies, Ericsson and UPM, sharing their experiences adapting their financial reporting to digital reporting with XBRL – valuable lessons to learn from.

The afternoon included presentations on Standard Business Reporting (SBR) and Nordic Smart Government, with information on how to submit digital annual reports to the Swedish National Agency’s new e-service.

All of the presentations are available to download here (some in Swedish).

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