
XBRL US Investor Forum Talks Available

Posted on November 22, 2019 by Editor

Recordings of the XBRL US Investor Forum on Driving Actionable Analytics are now available online.

The forum, held earlier this month in New York, provided practical information on how data standards are disrupting the information ecosystem, how modern data can be leveraged, and what comes next.

Beginning with a keynote speech from FASB Chairman Russell G. Golden, the day covered a wide spectrum of relevant updates and debates in the world of structured data.

The forum included updates on the latest developments in the push for granular, machine-readable municipal financial data. There were discussions about recent SEC activity, including the steps being taken to modernise regulatory disclosures, the debate surrounding quarterly financials, and standardisation of utilities reporting. Finally, the forum closed with a look to the future as data standards pave the way for modernised disclosure.

To find out more access recordings of the forum here.

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