
XSB Approves Table Linkbase as Updated Public Working Draft (PWD)

Posted on September 4, 2013 by admin

XBRL International is pleased to announce that the XBRL Standards Board, at the request of the Rendering Working Group, has approved as an updated Public Working Draft (PWD) the Table Linkbase 1.0.

The table linkbase specification provides a way to define the structure of tables for the presentation and/or entry of XBRL instance data. Facts in an XBRL instance exist in a highly dimensional space, and the table linkbase specifies a projection of these facts onto a table. The composition of the axes of the table indicate how the dimensions, periods and other constraints on the data are arranged into the table.

A table linkbase can be used to define a standard view of XBRL instance data for a given taxonomy, or a view of the data in a specific instance.

The Specification as well as the updated conformance suite can be found on the xbrl.org website at http://specifications.xbrl.org/under-development.html 

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