An Overdue Refresh

Welcome to an entirely new website from XBRL International. Over the Northern Hemisphere summer we redesigned the way that this site works, and indeed, what it’s for.
We want to educate people in the what, how and why of XBRL, so that more people in more places understand the benefits of structured digital reporting.
We want to provide examples, case studies and explanations. We want a place to share news, views and in-depth insights.
We want a new way to communicate with our global membership, providing exclusive insights, as well as topical debate and innovation. And we want to make it easy for potential members to understand our consortium, join us and make a meaningful impact by improving reporting in their own environment.
That’s why we are here. We are XBRL International. The business reporting standard. A global community working in the public good, committed to improving reporting everywhere.
Having dusted off our HTML skills and soaked up the latest from the folk at WordPress, we got to work. So far, we have produced new introductory materials for people coming to XBRL for the first time, from different perspectives. We are in the process of creating additional introductory materials and overhauling a range of older information.
Next up is quite a bit of member-only content, as well as translation and localisation capabilities. We will also be putting significant effort into examples and high level case studies.
You’ll find XBRL news from around the world, tagged and searchable so that over time it should be a helpful resource.
As you can see, taggings is a new blog covering developments around the world in some depth. Do listen in to the interview with the UK’s Companies House CEO Tim Moss. Over time we’ll be inviting guests to write here too.