
News Item

LEI Taxonomy reaches Proposed Recommendation status

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) taxonomy has been published as a Proposed Recommendation. This indicates that sufficient implementation experience has been obtained to confidently believe that no additional development is needed. If no further issues are identified at this stage the specification will next be re-issued as an XBRL Recommendation. The LEI, governed by Global Legal […]

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What’s Missing from Regulation S-K? 

On August 8 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a proposed amendment, the Modernization of Regulation S-K, which aims to revise and modernise Regulation S-K, which governs a host of non-financial  disclosures by US registrants.

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SEC Analyse Extension Use

The SEC have published a trend analysis of taxonomy extensions used in XBRL submissions, showing little change in the overall percentage of filers using extensions – around 18% – between 2017 and 2018. During the same time the number of accelerated filers using extensions did come down slightly, to be more in line with other […]

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GLEIF Leaps into the Digital Future with LEI Digital Certificates and Inline XBRL

Giant Leap for Global Trust: GLEIF creates LEI Digital Certificates, uses Inline XBRL Annual Report to demonstrate.

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Inline Viewer in Action on GLEIF Report

This demonstration shows how Inline XBRL documents can be both interactive and design led, almost indistinguishable from PDF reports but vastly more useful.

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LEIs for Corporate Structure Disclosure

Great news this week as the efficiencies to be gained when tagging and structuring data bear fruit. The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) released a Beta version of the LEI search tool 2.0 on Tuesday. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) enables clear and unique identification of entities engaging in financial transactions – put simply, […]

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JP Morgan Chase: More Standardisation Please 

At XBRL International we believe that there is an extraordinary opportunity for collaboration both between regulators and amongst the regulated to improve clarity, improve outcomes and to bring about significant simplification. It’s also a chance to lower the costs associated with inconsistent regulations imposed on business. JP Morgan Chase seems to agree.

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IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group Meeting

The agenda and papers for the next IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group meeting, to be held on 19 April 2018, have been published. The topics for discussion will include: Principles of Disclosure IFRS Taxonomy—Technology review IFRS Taxonomy implementation support IFRS Taxonomy content—areas for discussion Handling of entity-specific disclosures Common practice analysis—IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement IFRS Taxonomy […]

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SEC Interactive Data Test Suite Update

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has updated its test suite to include tests that use the US GAAP, SEC Reporting, Document and Entity Information, Exchanges, State and Province and Risk-Return 2018 taxonomies. The SEC’s public test suite helps  vendors test their software, and gain confidence that their systems will produce filings that will be […]

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News Item

Who is Who by GLEIF

As of November 1st, 2017, the ‘Level 1 LEI-CDF Version 2.1 Concatenated File’ is now the authoritative source for business identification Level 1 data. Level 1 data refers to business card LEI reference information designed to identify ‘who is who’, including the name of the legal entity in question and its registered address. The GLEIF […]

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