
Real Time Economy 2017

Aalto University in Helsinki will once again host the Real Time Economy conference, coming up on 11-12 May 2017. This year focussing on end-to-end automated reporting, including with XBRL GL, the event is extremely useful for policy makers, regulators, academics and industry professionals interested in improving reporting through digitisation and cross-agency collaboration on data collection […]

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E-Government and the XBRL Standard

Strong, consistent semantics, data provenance and standardisation are, almost universally, poorly thought out inside large organisations. This makes the business of government harder than it should be. The XBRL standard can assist with many aspects of these problems.

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Trending Now

A lot happened this year, but a few things stand out as not just being news for 2016, but for indicating trends that will continue or accelerate in 2017 as well.

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Collaboration is Key

Fintech-driven technology and process improvements are revolutionising the way information is collected, managed, published and used. Collaboration is key to making it all work.

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ASIC Pushes for more Data Sharing … and XBRL

The Australian ­Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) thinks that increased sharing of data could ease reporting burdens on business and improve the agency’s ability to meet its regulatory objectives. We agree.

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XBRL Sweden Conference – Standard Business Reporting

4th October, 2016

XBRL Sweden, in cooperation with the Tax Agency, the Swedish Companies Registration Office, Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority is hosting a conference on SBR

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Turkey Launches XBRL Based Public Disclosure System

Turkey has officially launched its updated Public Disclosure Platform (known by its Turkish acronym KAP) for the filing of IFRS based financial statements and other material facts by listed companies on the Borsa Istanbul stock exchange to the Capital Markets Board.

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What is XBRL? XBRL is the business reporting standard. It’s used by millions of businesses to prepare, validate and submit actionable business reports to regulators, government agencies and business partners. How does it work? XBRL reports use dictionaries of defined terms to ensure that consistent and comparable information is prepared, checked and published. XBRL takes […]

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Innovation in Sustainable Development and Reporting

Now, more than ever, there is a greater need for alignment, measurement and communication through the sustainability reporting process to enable a strong private sector contribution to Sustainable Development – GRI Deputy Chief Executive Teresa Fogelberg. We agree.

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Officials Say Public-Private Partnership Key to Success

One of the key messages to come out of the Data Coalition’s “Financial Data Summit” this week was that marrying the private sector’s technical expertise with government’s capacity to set the policy agenda is what will move open data forward.

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