
Trade Finance backed by XBRL Analytics?

UK Companies House XBRL Data is central to the business model of a new startup. Populous claims to be an invoice factoring and trade finance platform being built using the latest in blockchain technology. Using free financial statement data available in XBRL format for UK companies, the young team seeks to pool financing via an ether-based […]

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CBRF’s XBRL Project Continues to Progress

This week a RegTech conference entitled “Blockchain and Open Platforms: APIs, XBRL and  Ecosystems”  was held in Moscow to examine a range of topics impacting the financial sector. There is hot debate in Russia about the pros and cons of different blockchain protocols and the purpose and eventual impact on the banking sector of Open […]

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News Item

Setback for Bitcoin?

To underline the point made in the previous article, this week the SEC rejected an application to create the first bitcoin-backed exchanged trade fund or ETF. The application came from the sometimes controversial Winklevoss twins, which may or may not have had anything to do with the result. Based on the SEC’s decision, it seems unlikely that […]

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Leap Frogging Land Law

Environments without existing or with very old infrastructure can leap frog their peers by taking advantage of new digital technologies. In Tbilisi, Georgia, they are using Blockchain to transform the Land Registry.

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The Message is the new Medium: Digital Reporting and Fintech

Fifteen years ago, we used to talk about digital as a model of the real world. Now, digital is the real world. Somehow, the message has become the medium. Kodak didn’t see Instagram coming. HMV never saw Spotify in the rear view mirror. And if, fifteen years ago, you’d told the editor of the Economist […]

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What’s Ahead for Fintech in 2017?

Having robust structured data as the foundation for FinTech applications will only improve the utilisation and utility of both.

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Trending Now

A lot happened this year, but a few things stand out as not just being news for 2016, but for indicating trends that will continue or accelerate in 2017 as well.

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Bank of England Engages Private Sector with FinTech Accelerator

The Bank of England’s FinTech Accelerator program engages with FinTech firms to develop new solutions, based on blockchain and other innovative technologies, for the BoE to use in its role as the UK’s central bank.

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CFA Institute Examines the Role of Data and Technology in Finance

We and others maintain, with ample evidence, that structured data can transform the business reporting process for regulators and firms; and can provide an environment of improved analytics and transparency for investors. This is only being enhanced by the introduction of new technologies and processes leveraging Blockchain, AI and Big Data. The CFA Institute has […]

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Regulated Crowdfunding Becoming a Reality

Regulated crowdfunding on digital platforms offers enormous potential for data-driven transparency and credibility for private issuers, regulators and investors, along with increased efficiency and cost reductions. *UPDATED* Video now available.

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