Pointing the way: Filing Indicator Taxonomy now available

The XBRL Standards Board has approved publication of the Filing Indicator Taxonomy at Recommendation status. Filing indicators are used in filing environments to act like a signpost, allowing reports to declare which reporting tables have been completed. This simple taxonomy provides international standardisation of this mechanism, and importantly, enables the use of filing indicators within the new xBRL-CSV format.
xBRL-CSV is a new way of representing XBRL data that is particularly well suited to granular reporting requirements that may require very large volumes of data to be reported. xBRL-CSV is based on XBRL’s strategic Open Information Model standard, which provides a simplified, syntax-independent model for XBRL data, allowing easy, reliable transformation of XBRL data between different formats such as XML, CSV and JSON.
The Filing Indicator Taxonomy is now at Recommendation status, indicating that it is suitable for inclusion in production taxonomies. The taxonomy can be found in the XBRL International Taxonomy Registry here.