
Quick Hit Survey. What are the people who are using XBRL thinking about?

Posted on September 25, 2015 by Dave Nitchman

As everyone gets back into their routines after XBRL2015 in Copenhagen, it’s a good opportunity to take a step back and reflect on where things stand and where they might be going. Our consortium is moving into a new phase – talking about enterprise reporting, analytics and new ways of using XBRL – so it seemed like a good time to ask some questions. But since every time we take a survey, we always end up saying “Why didn’t they ask X?” We thought we’d give you a chance to weigh in beforehand.Do you ever ask yourself Where will XBRL be in 5 years? What will it be used for? What are the successes and the lessons to learn? What are the questions we aren’t asking? To help find out we are running this small survey in co-operation with our Online Scheduling App Sponsor from XBRL2015 – Business Reporting 360°, UBPartner.Where do you come in? If you were asking the questions what would you ask? What are the burning issues? What are the people who are using XBRL thinking about? We can’t promise to follow up on every suggestion, but we’ll cover as many of them as we can!
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