
Report from the XBRL US Investor’s Forum

Posted on November 20, 2015 by Dave Nitchman

Over 130 investors, analysts and other stakeholders met in NYC on 4 November for a forum hosted by XBRL US on improving financial analysis using structured data. Speakers from the CFA Institute, US Treasury and the SEC provided a picture of the current and future reporting landscape. But what made this event particularly useful was that the bulk of the day was spent on instruction and demonstrations, including step by step instruction on how to build a database and use XBRL data to perform financial analysis that’s better and faster than conventional methods.
Videos of the presentations from the recent XBRL US forum on improving financial analysis using structured data are available. XBRL US President Campbell Pryde instructs viewers on the ins and outs of building an XBRL database; gain techniques and tips on how to create consistent, comparable data through normalization and manipulation of XBRL-formatted data from Alex Rapp, co-Founder, Calcbench and learn about a set of public (free) tools designed to jumpstart the process of analyzing public company data in XBRL format.
This is valuable information that represents structured data reporting an use. Watch the videos (free but registration required).
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