
Rob Kuipers Provides an Update on SBR in the Netherlands

Posted on November 6, 2015 by Dave Nitchman

At the 2015 XBRL International Conference in Copenhagen, Mr. Rob Kuipers, head of the SBR program in The Netherlands, gave a keynote speech on the Dutch SBR program. In it, he looks to a future where businesses are unshackled from red tape and business reporting is a driver of economic growth and government efficiency. You can read a transcript of his speech here: http://www.sbr-nl.nl/fileadmin/SBR/documenten/Nieuws/Keynote_speech_Rob_Kuipers_Copenhagen_sep_8-2015_XBRL_International.pdf 

Later, in a wide ranging interview with special correspondent Adam Shaw, he discusses a range of issues on Standardised Business Reporting, including the challenges of creating the unique public/private partnership that makes SBR so effective. The SBR programmes both there and in Australia have enjoyed significant success and nascent programs in Turkey and Finland are looking to follow suit. There is also an effort underway in Canada to implement SBR there.

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