
SME Benchmark Credit Risk Reports in Spain

Posted on February 5, 2016 by Dave Nitchman

XBRL stakeholders from across Europe gathered in Paris this week at XBRL Europe Day, and one presentation in particular caught our attention. Iñaki Vazquez from Colegio de Registradores (Association of Spanish Business Registrars), outlined work going on in consultation with the Banco de España that provides a standardised bank credit score to SMEs. The score is based on XBRL company filings from the business registrar combined with benchmark data about the performance of the relevant individual business sector from ECCBSO (a database containing harmonized annual accounts statistics of European non-financial enterprises).

Provision of this data by credit institutions back to their customers is being mandated by the Central Bank for situations in which the credit risk of that customer has changed. Widespread benchmarking data of this sort is a very useful application of the XBRL information that is drawn from private companies in many countries, including Spain. Iñaki demonstrated the simple creation of credit KPIs of this sort using an Excel add-in that queries the source data from the XBRL repositories.

We’ll let you know when this and other presentations from the most recent XBRL Europe day are available.

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