Specification Update – Assertion Severity 1.0

The XBRL Standards Board has promoted the Assertion Severity 1.0 specification to Candidate Recommendation status.
What does that mean? As the name suggests this modular addition to the XBRL Formula Specifications very simply provides a way to attach different levels of severity to errors encountered when processing business rules. Now in addition to simple Pass and Fail, certain kinds of errors can be classified in different ways, such as a warning, which might be accepted and flagged for additional follow up.. Think of it as a traffic light. Previously the only standardised lights were “Green” (Pass) and “Red” (Fail). This specification adds “Amber”, for Warnings, and “Light Green” for information, which all provides taxonomy authors with more flexibility.
A small step, but just one more step along the path in moving from a document centric to a data centric reporting world.
Candidate Recommendation status indicates that the new specification now meets all identified requirements, and is ready for implementation in software. Access the specification here and the requirements document that informs this simple specification here.