
Items tagged with "SEC"

SEC Announces Conference on Municipal Securities Disclosure

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced a conference to be held on March 10 focusing on municipal securities disclosure practices. The conference, Spotlight on Transparency: A Discussion of Secondary Market Municipal Securities Disclosure Practices, aims to bring together both issuers and users of municipal disclosures to discuss emerging trends, problems, achievements and voluntary […]

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Are you meeting XBRL Filing Best Practice?

With the US filing season in full swing, Toppan Merrill have brought together XBRL experts including Mike Willis, Assistant Director of the SEC’s Office of Structured Disclosures, Emily Huang, CEO of idaciti and Mike Schlanger, Vice President of Solution Sales at Toppan Merrill, for a webinar outlining the best practices for achieving high-quality XBRL disclosures. […]

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News Item

Dimensions Highlights SEC Use of Big Data

Toppan Merrill’s November and December issue of Dimensions includes an explanation from the SEC’s Division of Economic Risk and Analysis (DERA) chief economist S.P. Kothari of the SEC’s current and expanding use of big data. As we highlighted back in August, XBRL helps turn big data into useful information. Making data machine-readable, or, in Kothari’s words, “dramatically […]

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XBRL US Investor Forum Talks Available

Recordings of the XBRL US Investor Forum on Driving Actionable Analytics are now available online. The forum, held earlier this month in New York, provided practical information on how data standards are disrupting the information ecosystem, how modern data can be leveraged, and what comes next. Beginning with a keynote speech from FASB Chairman Russell […]

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DQC Publish 11th Ruleset

This week the Data Quality Committee (DQC) published its 11th Ruleset for a 45-day public exposure period, set to end January 3, 2020.

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SEC Chair Calls for Investors to Clarify ESG Data Needs

How should Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) data be reported in order to best cater to the needs of investors? Earlier this week Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton explored this topic in remarks to the Investor Advisory Committee. The Investor Advisory Committee advises the SEC on various regulatory priorities, including the effectiveness […]

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XBRL US Comments on Modernisation of S-K

XBRL US has submitted a comment letter strongly recommending that the SEC adopts financial data standards for information affected by the Modernization of Regulation S-K proposals. As previously reported, the SEC recently submitted a proposal to amend regulation S-K, including various changes to disclosure requirements designed to improve the readability of disclosures, discourage repetition and discourage […]

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IASB to Review Goodwill

SEC Propose Structured Data for Fee Calculations

On Friday 24 October the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a new rule proposal aiming to ensure all required information for fee calculation is in structured format using Inline XBRL. The proposal would amend fee bearing forms, schedules and statements so that the fee table and explanatory footnotes for the fee table are […]

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SEC Propose Update to Statistical Disclosures for Banks

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed an update to the statistical disclosures provided by banks, savings and loan companies. The proposed update would replace Industry Guide 3, Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies, with the proposed disclosure rules moving to a new subpart of Regulation S-K. It should be noted that Guide […]

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What’s Missing from Regulation S-K? 

On August 8 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a proposed amendment, the Modernization of Regulation S-K, which aims to revise and modernise Regulation S-K, which governs a host of non-financial  disclosures by US registrants.

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