
Items tagged with "AI"

An AI Regulatory Roadmap

A recent Centre for Finance Technology and Entrepreneurship (CFTE) paper develops a regulatory roadmap for addressing the increasing role of AI in finance, focusing on how human involvement can deal with ‘black box’ issues. The paper identifies three regulatory challenges from AI in finance. Firstly, AI algorithms increase information asymmetries between various users and developers. […]

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European Commission launches New Data Strategy

This month the European Commission launched Europe’s ambitious new data strategy with a flurry of documents and two new consultations. Over the next five years the EU plans to create a single market for data that complements the common economic market ensuring that data should be able to flow across countries and sectors within the […]

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Where Next for Data?

As the year draws to a close ITProPortal has taken a stab at predicting how data use will change in 2020. Much of their predictions centre around improvements in AI analysis – which the expansion of structured data around the world will help facilitate. They predict that developments in AI and machine learning will mean patterns across […]

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Machine Learning on the Rise in Financial Services

A Bank of England (BoE) report has found that the use of machine learning (ML) is on the rise in financial services. The report is based on a joint survey from BoE and the Financial Conduct Authority in 2019 of 106 firms. The UK economy is increasingly powered by big data, with financial services in particular […]

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Data Amplified 2019: Explainable AI in Finance

Maria Mora, Principal Engineer on Artificial Intelligence and XBRL Expert at Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, demonstrated the exciting work Fujitsu are doing developing explainable AI for finance. Financial services are demanding more advanced AI solutions. They want to apply AI to numerous situations that require high credibility, such as sales predictions, risk management for investment, […]

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Predicting UK Bank Distress with Machine Learning

The UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is working on machine learning techniques to predict bank distress. Using novel data sources, mainly confidential regulatory returns, this still experimental early warning system for predicting bank distress significantly outperformed other models. This development follows the Danish Business Authority’s machine learning-based Early Warning Europe, which uses large data sets from five European countries […]

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From Structured Data to Artificial Intelligence

Continuing on the theme from last story, what is the next big disrupter in financial markets? You guessed it. According to a recent Greenwich Associates report, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to have a big impact, with 44% of capital market professionals saying that their firms are already using AI in their trading processes. Firms […]

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SEC Digitisation Benefits Met with Optimism

The SEC’s recently expanded requirements to report in Inline XBRL have been met with optimism, with the change being linked to increasing simplicity, improving data quality and use and enabling financial analysis. Craig Clay, president of global capital markets at Donnelley Financial Solutions, has highlighted how companies are looking to automate and streamline compliance reporting, […]

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Could Blockchain or AI Replace XBRL? 

Mohini Singh, ACA, Director of Financial Reporting, CFA Institute and Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US have published a blog on the XBRL US website demonstrating why blockchain and AI cannot replace the XBRL standard. We sometimes hear the argument that XBRL is old technology and should be replaced with technologies like blockchain or […]

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Hong Kong Push for Data Privacy

While big data offers unparalleled opportunities for analysis and forecasting there are also serious ethical concerns surrounding data privacy issues that must be balanced. As such, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) are pushing for the adoption of an Ethical Accountability Framework (EAF) in the collection and use of personal data. The report on the […]

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