
Items tagged with "AI"

News Item

Europe Adopt AI Plan

In February the European Council adopted conclusions from the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence. The plan underlines the crucial importance of fostering the development and use of artificial intelligence by increasing investment, strengthening research and encouraging collaboration between industry and academia. The conclusions include a recognition of the need for more secure and high quality […]

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Auditing in the AI Age

AI has led to some predicting the catastrophic demise of the audit profession – however, as robots don’t quite live up to the job-stealing hype that’s been predicted, how will the smart machine age really effect the evolution of auditing? Jillian Alderman explores the reality of audit in the AI era in an article in the Graziadio Business Review this week.

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News Item

AI: What are the Risks for Investors?

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning offer enormous potential for the investment industry – however, the adoption of new technologies has a range of impacts that need to be considered. A report published last month explores these concerns, asking what the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence will be on the CFA Institute’s Code of Ethics and […]

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News Item

Can AI Streamline Corporate Reporting?

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) have published a deep-dive report investigating the role AI will play across corporate reporting. The report covers AI basics, how AI can be used for corporate reporting and suggested actions to ensure quality reporting can be powered by AI. Annual reports and other regulatory documents have high levels of standardisation […]

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News Item

Robot Criminals Cuffed

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took enforcement action against two robo-advisors for the first time. Technology is rapidly changing the way investment works, and one way it is changing is through the proliferation of robo-advisors; automated, software-based portfolio management services. With AI on the way there’s been increased concerns that AI’s ability to synthesise data […]

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News Item

Singapore Meeting on AI Ethics

Singapore’s Advisory Council on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence and Data convened for their inaugural meeting on Friday, Nov 30. The Advisory Council brings together international industry leaders in technology and AI, local companies using AI, social and consumer interest advocates, academia and government. The council members discussed the ethical use of AI and […]

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US Regulators: Think Outside The AML Box

This week a group of US regulators have announced that they will not penalise banks that use artificial intelligence tools to find gaps in existing anti-money laundering programmes. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the National Credit Union Administration, and […]

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Cyborg Supervision

What does the future of regulation look like? Is there a tension between a supervisory regime that seemingly relies on human judgement, but is increasingly investing in automation, machine learning and AI?

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News Item

AI Disruption on the Horizon

Futurist Brett King, CEO and founder of Moven gave his radical futurist vision of the world in 2030 and beyond at the Innotribe opening and keynote on Monday at Sibos.

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News Item

AI at Sibos

At Sibos, in Sydney this week there was significant focus on Artificial Intelligence, with speakers from a range of backgrounds discussing everything from IoT to AI and ethics.

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