
Items tagged with "AI"

News Item

Deutsche Bank’s AI Digs Through ESG Disclosures

Fast growing interest in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of investing has led to a data explosion over the past decade. In the US alone, the growth has been spectacular: four-fifths of American companies now publish reports on corporate social responsibility – quadruple that of seven years ago – and in general, the amount of data reported to the SEC has increased five-fold since the financial crisis. While we enthusiastically welcome the increased transparency and trust more data can bring, sifting through all that information is difficult, and investors seem to have particular trouble translating ESG information into investible data, especially as so much of it is unstructured textual, qualitative disclosure, rather than comparable quantitative data.

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News Item
Harnessing AI Regulation for the Greater Good

Harnessing AI Regulation for the Greater Good

In a speech this week, Steven Maijoor, the ESMA chair, reiterated how the democratisation of information and increased scope for AI applications presents a novel chance to build a better, more trusting future. The notion that information can, in the most profound of ways, radically transform markets is clear. Combined with the fact that many […]

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The Ethical Impact of Fintech

The Ethical Impact of Fintech

In a recent release, the European Commission has iterated the importance of exploring the impact of artificial intelligence, not only economically but ethically as well. A strong European approach to coordinating and regulating AI is, of course, necessary. However, in order to maximise the benefits of AI investments, ensuring that there is an ethical framework in place […]

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News Item
The Impact of AI on Accounting

The Impact of AI on Accounting

AI is quickly transforming the financial industry – with the impact on accounting already being felt. Robotic Process Automation (RPA), for example, has started to reduce some types of contractual processing times, while EY and Deloitte have started to use AI to update their document review process, with AI systems reviewing quite complex contracts after […]

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SEC Experts Interviewed on Structured Data and XBRL Impact on Companies

Do read the interview with Scott Bauguess, Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Economist of the SEC’s Division of Economic and Risk Analysis (DERA) this week from Merrill Corp. Spurred on by what he considered to be a persistent lack of interest and understanding among certain market participants about the importance of standardised data collection and dissemination, […]

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News Item

The Hopes and Fears of Accountants – and Accounting Standards Setters – Revealed?

When people talk of how technology is likely to impact the future, the discussion goes one of two ways. Either down a road of fear that technology will bring with it an end to our freedoms and a loss of our jobs. Or that technology will pave the way for a new world where value […]

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Getting the Full Picture

The Malaysian Securities Commission is using correlation indexing techniques to allow the regulator to match up reported financial performance, and stock price movements with news and other announcements that appear in the media and on the web. Structured meets unstructured in a single enterprise analytics framework – great innovation on display.

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More Intelligent Data Quality Rules

The XBRL US Data Quality Committee (DQC) has approved, finalized, and published its 6th ruleset which includes validation checks for filings prepared using the US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and the IFRS Taxonomy. DQC rules and guidance are designed to be used by issuers to identify and correct errors in their SEC filings. The DQC, […]

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SEC: AI needs Machine Readable Data

The massive EDGAR database serves up 1.5 billion copies of documents filed by public companies with the SEC each year, and these days 85% of those downloads are by ‘bots, not humans. That’s an important signal: regulatory data needs to be human and machine readable. Read more…

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News Item

Establishing Ethics, Best Practices for AI

With the headlines filled with stories about Big Tech’s failings in data privacy and security, questions about how data is stored, used and collated, especially with AI, are suddenly urgent. The Monetary Authority of Singapore has announced that it is investigating regulating the ethical use of the technology and data analytics more generally for consumer […]

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