
Items tagged with "APRA"

Australian overhaul resumes: it’s Goodbye D2A, Hello APRA Connect in 2021

It’s all systems go once more at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), as it resumes overhauling its core financial data collection system following a nine-month pause. The new platform, APRA Connect, is now set to go live in September 2021.

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APRA to collect more granular data

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has proposed an update to its reporting requirements around Credit Risk Management, designed to improve APRA’s ability to monitor risk. The updated draft ARS 220.0 will collect more detailed and granular data on authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADI’s) credit exposures and provisions.

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Australia aligns Regulation

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), which oversees Australia’s financial sector, is planning to align its prudential standards for insurance companies with international insurance standards.

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