
Items tagged with "Asia"

XBRL International Approves Jurisdiction in Turkey

XBRL International today announced that XBRL Turkey, a joint venture of key public and private organizations that will spearhead the implementation of XBRL for digital business reporting in the country, has been granted Jurisdiction status. The establishment of a Jurisdiction in Turkey represents the first step in an ambitious effort to utilize XBRL in Turkey […]

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XBRL Asia (Asian-Oceanian) Roundtable Joint Statement

The 4th XBRL Asia Roundtable was held in Suzhou during which cooperation and coordination of XBRL in the region was discussed and the establishment of an organization, XBRL Asia (tentatively named), was proposed.  The proposal was jointly supported by XBRL Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea and Singapore.  

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General Purpose Taxonomy of Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) Granted “Acknowledged” Status

XBRL International (XII) today announced that the General Purpose Taxonomy of Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) has been granted “Acknowledged” status by the Taxonomy Recognition Task Force. XII’s multi-step Taxonomy Recognition Process validates the conformance of a taxonomy to the XBRL specification, determines that a taxonomy has been correctly authored, has had sufficient input from the […]

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