
Items tagged with "Assurance"

IAASB agenda consultation starts – will Inline XBRL be in scope?

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s (IAASB) Proposed Strategy and Work Plan for 2024‒2027 includes a mention of exploring a new standard on XBRL.

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Monitoring Group makes progress on audit standard reform

The Monitoring Group (MG) – the international committee of regulators that oversights audit standards and ethical standards for the accounting and audit profession, has published a short report into the progress it has made so far implementing its recommended measures to strengthen the international audit system.

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India’s ICAI consults on ESG assurance standard

The Sustainability Reporting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued an exposure draft of its Standard on Sustainability Assurance Engagements (SSAE) 3000 for public comment.

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Accountancy Europe on assurance of EU ESG disclosures

Accountancy Europe has released an interesting discussion paper on sustainability assurance under the proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

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Monitoring Group highlights value of high-quality audit and need to fund independent standards

The Monitoring Group (MG) has published a paper drawing attention to the importance of high-quality audits to investors, issuers, national standard-setters, regulators and others.

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China carbon frauds highlight need for audit

Interesting news has recently emerged of fraudulent carbon emissions reports in China, with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment calling out four companies for doctoring or drawing misleading conclusions from carbon data.

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Advice on third-country ESEF assurance

Are you an auditor for a company based outside Europe, but dual listed in the EU? Read on!

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Italy introduces ESEF audit requirement

As our regular readers will know, the Inline XBRL-based European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) is now required for financial reporting across the EU.

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IFAC releases vision for assurance of sustainability reporting

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has published its vision for high-quality assurance of sustainability information.

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PwC research highlights investor demand for ESG reporting

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are increasingly driving investment strategies, and “ESG has now become a make-or-break consideration for leading investors globally,” says PwC.

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