
Items tagged with "Audit"

Audit Data Collection Standards – Where We Stand

As we reported recently, there is a proposal within the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) to start a new effort to create an international standard for audit evidentiary data for internal and external audit. In response to this development, XII convened a task force to define our position on this issue and make recommendations regarding a suggested response by […]

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Digital Signatures for Auditor Reports

A recently completed pilot program conducted by the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants tested the use of digitally signed auditor’s reports.

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Audit Data Standards Getting a Close Look

The Standardization Administration of China (SAC) has submitted a proposal to ISO for a new international standard focusing on requirements for audit data collection. The aim is to address common issues, improve data accessibility and transparency, standardize collection and avoid duplicated efforts. The importance of this action and its obvious ties to our mission to […]

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