
Items tagged with "Banking"

Machine Learning on the Rise in Financial Services

A Bank of England (BoE) report has found that the use of machine learning (ML) is on the rise in financial services. The report is based on a joint survey from BoE and the Financial Conduct Authority in 2019 of 106 firms. The UK economy is increasingly powered by big data, with financial services in particular […]

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Predicting UK Bank Distress with Machine Learning

The UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is working on machine learning techniques to predict bank distress. Using novel data sources, mainly confidential regulatory returns, this still experimental early warning system for predicting bank distress significantly outperformed other models. This development follows the Danish Business Authority’s machine learning-based Early Warning Europe, which uses large data sets from five European countries […]

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EBA Risk Report Shows Stability but Low Profits

Good news from the European Banking Authority (EBA) this week as their periodic risk assessment of the EU banking sector shows stable capital ratios and improving asset quality. The Risk Dashboard’s second quarter update, which summarises the main risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector, shows steady improvement despite the challenges of low profits […]

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SEC Propose Update to Statistical Disclosures for Banks

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed an update to the statistical disclosures provided by banks, savings and loan companies. The proposed update would replace Industry Guide 3, Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies, with the proposed disclosure rules moving to a new subpart of Regulation S-K. It should be noted that Guide […]

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Big Data Could Warn of Company Distress

The Danish Business Authority, one of Early Warning Europe’s 15 partners has developed a machine learning tool that uses publicly available accounting data to identify companies in financial distress.

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SRB Set to Shift to Full XBRL Reporting Next Year

Andreas Weller of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) made a presentation at Eurofiling last week about their upcoming shift to full XBRL reporting. The SRB are the authority charged with forming the single resolution mechanism (SRM) – a framework for the orderly closing (resolution) of failing banks within the EU, and a solution to the ‘too […]

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PRA Outline Best Practice in Transition from LIBOR

The UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) have issued a document of key findings, good practice and next steps for transition from the London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to risk-free rates (RFR) for firms to consider when planning their own transition. After a series of manipulation scandals, the once-dominant LIBOR benchmark is being abandoned, with the […]

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Open APIs to Drive Fintech

The UK is leading the way to open up access to its financial system, according to the UK Payments System Regulator which published its annual report yesterday. The UK has been a prime mover in the effort to ensure that new financial services providers (such as Fintech payment startups) can compete by forcing banks to […]

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Commercial Credit is being Transformed with SBR

Dutch banks ABN Amro, ING and Rabobank are leading the effort to shift corporate reporting to credit providers from paper to data.

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Banking Taxonomy for Review

The team at Threadneedle street are busy. Hot on the heels of the Capital+ taxonomy, arrives a new draft taxonomy for comment. This is a set of PRA requirements for bank Financial Statements. Once again, the Bank of England has chosen to align its reporting requirements – and taxonomy –  with the EBA framework, taking […]

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