
Items tagged with "Banking"

EBA uses digital data to assess EU bank risks and provide transparency

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its annual risk assessment of the European banking system for 2021.

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SRB guidance on information needed on separability of banks in case of crisis

Europe’s Single Resolution Board (SRB) recently published its ‘Operational guidance for banks on separability for transfer tools.’

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Basel Committee consults on climate-risk principles

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued a public consultation on principles for the effective management and supervision of climate-related financial risks.

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Basel Committee revises disclosures on market risk and sovereign exposures

Recent announcements by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will be of note for those interested in disclosures within the Basel Framework for prudential regulation of banks.

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Sander Middendorp on the value of data, and sustainability as risk

The value of data in the financial sector was a key theme in a recent podcast with Sander Middendorp, CEO of SBR Nexus, reported on the Banken.nl website.

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Progress continues on Basel III adoption, as detailed report shows

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has released its latest progress report on the adoption of Basel III standards, as of end-September 2021.

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EBA sets out latest work programme, including development of data infrastructure

The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently issued its annual work programme and strategic approach for 2022. It notes that it has streamlined its activities to foster synergies and efficiencies.

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Gary Gensler on LIBOR and the emperor’s new clothes

We enjoyed some remarks this week by Gary Gensler, Chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission – perhaps offering the ‘naked truth’ about LIBOR transition risks.

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EBA proposes criteria to identify shadow banking entities

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a public consultation on draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) that set out criteria for identifying shadow banking entities.

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EBA reports on RegTech state of play, and looks to the future

How can we make the most of regulatory technology – or RegTech – while avoiding potential pitfalls? The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published an analysis of the current RegTech landscape that examines that question for the EU financial sector.

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