
Items tagged with "BoE"

Bank of England to transform data collection

The Bank of England has unveiled its plans for renewing the way that it collects data. In ‘Transforming Data Collection from the UK Financial Sector: A Plan for 2021 and beyond,’ it sets out a decade-long effort to transform its ability to gather and make available high-quality, timely data.

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BoE: PRA Proposal on EBA Taxonomy 2.9

BoE: PRA Proposal on EBA Taxonomy 2.9

Following the European Banking Authority’s proposal for amendments to the ‘Supervisory Reporting ITS’, the UK Prudential Regulation Authority has since issued their own consultation paper to reiterate and augment the intended reporting requirements. The consultation paper issued by the PRA includes numerous changes with the aim of improving the synergy between PRA reporting and the […]

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How’s that for alphabet soup? The Bank of England (BoE) has completed a Proof of Concept (PoC) to understand how a renewed Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) service could support settlements in systems operating through innovative payment technologies. In March, the Bank announced that it was running a POC in this field. The purpose was […]

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PRA proposes more Insurance filings in XBRL

The Prudential Regulation Authority of the Bank of England is consulting through to early June on a format change for a number of insurance reporting submissions in order to align its Solvency II Quantitative Reporting Templates with a range of EIOPA data requirements. The UK’s regulatory authorities continue to work towards the standardisation of supervisory […]

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Regulators scrutinise Cryptos

Chairman of the global Financial Stability Board and Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, was just one of the leading regulators around the world to call for new measures to reign in cryptocurrencies this week. Mr Carney warned that a range of crypto assets are exhibiting the “classic hallmarks of bubbles”. In a speech […]

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BoE: Banks May Underestimate the Risks from Fintech

Britain’s banks may be overestimating their ability to insulate themselves from the impact of FinTech and Open Banking challenges to future profits. For the first time, as an additional part to standard stress testing, the Bank of England examined the major UK banks’ long‑term strategic responses to an extended low growth, low-interest rate environment with […]

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