
Items tagged with "Carbon Disclosure"

California enacts first mandatory climate disclosure law in the US

California’s Governor Gavin Newsom has signed two landmark climate-disclosure bills, SB 253 and SB 261, into law, effective on companies from 2026.

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Interoperable data is the key to better carbon emissions reporting

The accurate reporting of greenhouse gas emissions is essential for driving sustainability in both countries and corporations, argues Liv Watson (senior digitisation advisor for Capitals Coalition) and Marian Van Pelt (senior vice president of climate and clean energy at ICF International) in a recent article.

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Carbon Financials Initiative expands to UK

In order for financial firms to properly take climate change risks and opportunities into account they need comparable, standardised data. Measuring carbon emissions would be a simple, effective and material place to start monitoring the climate impact of the businesses financial firms invest in.

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Japanese TCFD Consortium Launched

Amid growing momentum for disclosures in alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, Japans Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Financial Services Agency and Ministry of Environment are launching a Japanese TCFD Consortium, which will develop an effective implementation for the TCFD recommendations in that country. The TCFD Consortium offers a platform […]

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