
Items tagged with "Climate"

EFRAG releases working paper on climate reporting standards

It is still relatively early days, but do you want to know more about the thinking thus far as the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) works toward shared sustainability standards?

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From global to local: IFAC publishes framework for standards implementation and urges action

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has published a framework for implementing global sustainability standards at the local level.

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UK FRC reviews climate reporting under SECR

The UK’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) rules, which came into effect from 1 April 2019, provide an interesting example of mandatory climate reporting and potential insights for other jurisdictions implementing similar regimes.

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Mandatory sustainability reporting discussions in Japan and Philippines

With mandatory climate and other sustainability disclosure requirements apparently gaining impetus around the globe, the latest news this week has a Pacific flavour.

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Mandatory climate reporting news from Switzerland and Singapore

The Swiss government, the Federal Council, has recently set a timeline and other parameters for mandatory climate disclosures by large companies.

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99 days that will change reporting

The coming days should see greater certainty emerge in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards-setting space, says XBRL International CEO John Turner.

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Climate risk and bank stress testing

The Financial Stability Institute (FSI) has published an Insights paper on ‘Stress-testing banks for climate change risk – a comparison of practices.’

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99 Days That Will Change Reporting

A post by John Turner, CEO of XBRL International. While preparing a presentation that I gave this week to the Taiwan Stock Exchange it occurred to me that the next 99 days (well — it was 101 when I gave the talk) should see a significant degree of certainty arrive in the environmental, social, and […]

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Quality and comparability: G20 backs FSB and IFRS Foundation on climate reporting standards

The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors have given a ringing endorsement to sustainability disclosures and the development of international standards.

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G20 endorses carbon pricing as transition tool for sustainable economy

The recent communiqué from the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors includes the use of carbon pricing mechanisms and incentives among the set of tools available to facilitate the shift to a more sustainable economy, alongside its support for global reporting standards discussed here.

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