
Items tagged with "Data Quality"

Testing data quality with latest DQC Ruleset from XBRL US

The XBRL US Data Quality Committee has published its 15th Ruleset for a 45-day public review and comment period, which closes on 2 June 2021. The draft ruleset includes eight new rules specific to US GAAP filers, and one for IFRS filers.

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SEC EDGAR Filer Manual incorporates certain XBRL US data quality rules

We’re delighted to see the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) incorporate a number of the DQC data quality rules in the revised EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II), with an implementation date of 22 March 2021.

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A digital future: We respond to BEIS on Companies House reforms

XBRL International has responded to the consultation by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on a significant overhaul of the powers and role of Companies House, that country’s national business registrar.

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SEC increasingly supportive of DQC Rules

The XBRL US Data Quality Commission (DQC) publishes validation rulesets designed to improve the quality and usability of XBRL data by allowing issuers to test their data before submission. While the DQC has been around since 2015, recent events indicate that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) increasingly acknowledges the value and importance of […]

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ESMA’s new Powers put to use on Data Quality.

Revised regulation recently gave the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) some new so-called “convergence” powers to identify and co-ordinate supervisory priorities in response to key risks across the Union.

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DQC publishes updated Ruleset for review

The XBRL US Data Quality Committee (DQC) recently published its 14th Ruleset for public review, with comments due 15 December.

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The Future of Compliance lies in clean Data

An article from the American Bankers Association this week underlines how important good quality data is to compliance and anti-money laundering (AML) efforts.

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Why Tagging Errors mean Trouble

As data digitisation and XBRL reporting continue to expand worldwide, it’s crucial that companies are reporting accurate, high-quality data. Wes Bricker, Vice Chair of XBRL International’s Board of Directors and PwC Vice Chair, US and Mexico Assurance Leader, recently wrote an article for FEI highlighting the importance of accurate XBRL tagging.

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PwC underline importance of quality Data

This week PwC published a strong call for companies to take full advantage of the recent pivot to digital with high-quality XBRL data.

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XBRL US video: Data Quality Rules

Data quality is important. While the XBRL standard goes a long way towards improving data quality, by reducing the need to manually enter and re-key data, preparers can also take further steps to ensure that XBRL financials are error free.

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