
Items tagged with "Data"

Time for Real-Time Financial Reporting?

In Montreal, a financial planner can set a trigger to distribute a financial report the moment their budget is exceeded. In New Hampshire, accountants can easily look at the number, type and relationship between a taxpayer’s bills, all in a single portal. And in LA, a self-service data analytics tool allows users to create the […]

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XBRL US Municipal Beat Podcast on Data Standards

The Covid-19 crisis has made it clear how important it is to be able to quickly access and interpret data in a rapidly moving market. While public companies in the US report XBRL-tagged financial information to the SEC quarterly, making up-to-date data relatively easy to analyse, municipal data is much harder to find.

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Is Police data up to scratch? 

With the criminal justice system and police reform in the spotlight recently, it would make sense to examine the data to make informed, effective changes. There’s one problem: the data itself.

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News Item

South Korea: FSC calls for Open Data Access

At a recent forum the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Vice Chairman Sohn Byung-doo called on industry players to ‘open up their data assets as much as possible’ to enable innovation in financial services.

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Digital Health Data to supplant PDFs

The Covid-19 crisis has shown just how essential fast, easy, comprehensive access to health and safety data can be. Making sure that this data is in structured, digital format can help accelerate essential research – a lesson the FDA are putting into practice with their new strategy to modernise the submission of regulatory data and […]

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Are we at risk of Data Fragmentation?

What would a world where data was restricted by borders look like? This week the Bank of England’s blog, Bank Underground, explored the threat that fragmentation in the global data supply chain could pose to financial services.

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Eurofiling: XBRL Data feeds Explainable AI Models

Amongst several fascinating presentations at the Eurofiling Innovation Day this week was an interesting demonstration on how XBRL reports can be used as the basis of explainable AI for bankruptcy prediction.

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FCA launches new Data Platform

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) recently announced the launch of their new user-friendly data collection platform, RegData.

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Single Data Access Point to boost ESG Information

A collection of European financial associations have called on the European commission to establish a common Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) data register and facilitate disclosure to enhance the quality and usability of ESG data.

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Standards for Government Data collection

Why should more US (and, indeed, worldwide) government data agencies switch to standards? In a recently published video XBRL US lays out the clear case for requiring businesses, grantees, and state or local governments to report information in standardised, machine-readable format. Fundamentally, data standards are the best way to simplify, speed up and reduce the […]

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