
Items tagged with "Data"

News Item

Improving Data Quality

Regulators are now collecting vast quantities of data, with new data strategies a focus for both the UK and the US at the beginning of 2020 – but what about the quality? Regulation Asia recently released a video interview with Kaizen Reporting’s Ian Rennie pinpointing some ways firms can keep on top of data quality at Singapore Fintech […]

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HOW Much? $5.6 Trillion? XBRL Data Supports Goodwill Debate

A new CFA Institute comment letter demonstrates the value of using structured data to inform debate and underpin policy decisions.

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News Item

UK to Publish More Insurance Regulatory Data…. in Aggregate

The Bank of England and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) are seeking comment on plans to publish quarterly, aggregated data on the UK Insurance market. Recognising the value of the breadth and depth of data contained in the regular structured disclosures required by Solvency II, the PRA hope to improve analysis and insight in the insurance […]

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News Item

India to Give Individuals Financial Data Access

India’s banks are set to roll out a unique system designed to give 560 million internet users unprecedented control over their own financial data. The new system will give people the ability to decide what data to share, with whom, and for how long. It takes advantage of pre-existing requirements for data to be reported […]

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News Item

New Year, New Data Strategy

The US federal government has begun the new decade with a focus on data; issuing a set of 20 actions agencies will be required to take in 2020 on how they collect, manage, share and use data. This plan is the first building block in a decade long Data Strategy that aims to transform how […]

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UK’s FCA and Bank of England Address Data

The US aren’t the only ones turning their attention to data this year: earlier this month the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England announced proposals for data reforms across the UK financial sector. With technology changing the nature of the markets they regulate, both authorities have issued plans designed to develop […]

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Thirty Recommendations on Regulation, Innovation and Finance

 The opportunities (and risks) presented by fintech are creating undeniable and unavoidable changes to economies worldwide – but how should regulators respond? The Expert Group on Regulatory Obstacles to Financial Innovation (ROFIEG) was set up by the European Commission in June 2018 to explore this question. Recently it published its recommendations, both identifying regulatory obstacles […]

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Could Open Finance Transform Industry? Call for Input

Open banking has had an undeniably significant effect on the banking industry, with a wide range of faster, more convenient choices now competing for customer attention. Could extending the principles of open banking – the (optional) sharing of bank data with third parties – to other financial products further transform financial services? The UK’s Financial Conduct […]

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GREAT Act Passed by US Congress

On Monday the US Congress passed the GREAT or “Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Transparency” Act, previously agreed by the Senate.

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ESMA Review of MiFID II Recommends Establishing Consolidated Tape for Equity

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) review of market data prices has found that the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) has not delivered on its objective of reducing the cost of market data or of establishing a consolidated tape for equities. MiFID II requires venues and data providers to publish market data […]

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