
Items tagged with "Data"

News Item

SEC Digitisation Benefits Met with Optimism

The SEC’s recently expanded requirements to report in Inline XBRL have been met with optimism, with the change being linked to increasing simplicity, improving data quality and use and enabling financial analysis. Craig Clay, president of global capital markets at Donnelley Financial Solutions, has highlighted how companies are looking to automate and streamline compliance reporting, […]

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Japan looks to Suptech Automation for Financial Monitoring

The Japanese Financial Services Agency (JFSA) has a bold plan to put Suptech (supervisory technology) to use in improving the sophistication and efficiency of its financial supervision.

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Insights from XBRL Asia Round Table

The 10th XBRL Asia Round Table was held within a joint program with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Tokyo this week. Amongst many other presentations, delegations from the Japanese FSA, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Reserve Bank of India, and the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shared their strategies for regulatory modernisation and digitisation.

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Unique Product Identifiers a Step Closer

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has taken a key step in its plan to introduce a Unique Product Identifier (UPI) for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. Why? Remember Lehman Brothers? The process of winding up the various parts of the investment behemoth took more than 10 years. Understanding who had financial claims against which instruments, in which countries, […]

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News Item

New Open Source Inline XBRL Viewer Released

The Inline XBRL viewer developed by Workiva, first previewed at Data Amplified 2018, has now been released as open source software. The viewer makes Inline XBRL tagged content dynamic and immediately usable, unlocking the value of data that, without special consumption tools, is all too often hidden within documents.

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News Item

Inline Viewer in Action on GLEIF Report

This demonstration shows how Inline XBRL documents can be both interactive and design led, almost indistinguishable from PDF reports but vastly more useful.

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Europe Adopt AI Plan

In February the European Council adopted conclusions from the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence. The plan underlines the crucial importance of fostering the development and use of artificial intelligence by increasing investment, strengthening research and encouraging collaboration between industry and academia. The conclusions include a recognition of the need for more secure and high quality […]

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News Item

Quarterly Financial Reporting is Easier than Ever

President Trump waded into regulatory policy in characteristic style this August with a tweet that has ignited debate: “Stop quarterly reporting & go to a six month system[…] That would allow greater flexibility & save money. I have asked the SEC to study!” Companies siding with President Trump cite the cost of compliance and the […]

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IFAC: International regulatory divergence costs $780B

A terrifying study out this week from IFAC says that the burden on internationally operating businesses caused by different regulatory arrangements is in excess of $780 billion USD. That’s more than the GDP of Switzerland. Or Malaysia and Singapore combined. It’s half the GDP of Brazil, population 200M+!

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2017 to be the Year of Analytics?

We expect significant advancement in analytics using structured data in 2017.

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