
Items tagged with "Data"

Implementing XBRL in Georgia: a case study

CoreFiling has published an interesting case study giving us a look into XBRL adoption in a new country, with a data modernisation project run by the National Bank of Georgia.

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Data and information hub: ESMA five-year strategy and workplan

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has announced its strategy for 2023-2028.

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EBA announces 2023 plans, including data access

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its work programme for 2023. The plans include a focus on placing data at the service of stakeholders.

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High-quality data to navigate stormy seas

“The target for many of you is to achieve superior risk adjusted returns. For this you need reliable data and decision-making tools that allow you to incorporate emerging risks and opportunities into your portfolio allocation and risk management early on,” says Klaas Knot, Chair of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), in recent remarks to institutional investors.

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EIOPA sets out strategy and workplan

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published its strategy for the period 2023–26. It aims to strengthen the resilience and sustainability of the insurance and pensions sectors, and enhance consumer protection in the EU.

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CFAs get access to digital SEC data via Calcbench

The CFA Institute Research Foundation has officially launched its partnership with Calcbench, giving CFA Institute members free, instant and systematic access to XBRL data filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

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Digital ESG data means richer insights

“The world is grappling with dramatic shifts in climate change, environmental, social, and geopolitical events. In a world of rapid digital transformation, how do companies, investors, regulators, standard setters, and ordinary citizens respond to these shifts?” asks Christine Tan in a recent guest post at ESG Today.

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Improving ESG data production for better company decision-making

An interesting new report from the UK Financial Reporting Council’s FRC Lab addresses how companies can collect and use environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to support better decision-making.

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Drawing on XBRL data to report on Colombia’s top companies

Colombia’s Superintendencia de Sociedades – or Supersociedades – the government entity that supervises commercial companies, has published its annual report on the country’s 1,000 largest companies, showing a healthy economic performance during 2021.

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BoE issues year one updates on data transformation programme

The Bank of England (BoE) has recently published some significant updates for those following its initiative, led with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), to transform data collection from the UK financial sector.

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