
Items tagged with "Digital"

Australia urged to accelerate move to digital financial reporting

The use of XBRL in Australia is currently voluntary, but that might be set to change. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) has called on the government to mandate digital financial reporting for listed companies, arguing that structured, machine-readable data would improve efficiency and align Australia with global best practices.

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Digital signatures a step closer in XBRL reports: Call for implementations

Earlier this month the Digital Signatures – or D6 – working group released the Digital Signatures in XBRL 1.0 specification as a Candidate Recommendation, an important step towards improved security in financial reporting.

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ISSB launches IFRS sustainability disclosure taxonomy

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) published the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy (ISSB Taxonomy) this week, providing the pathway for sustainability reporting  to be taken up a notch in terms of clarity, efficiency, and utility.

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Advancing financial reporting with iXBRL: A game-changer for companies

In a recent article by Martin DeVille, the evolution of digital financial reporting through the adoption of iXBRL takes center stage. The piece sheds light on how major European companies, numbering around 50,000, are embracing iXBRL as the standard format for their financial reporting needs.

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Deloitte report urges Australia to embrace digital corporate reporting

In a recent report titled “Embracing the power of digital corporate reporting: A mandate for change,” Deloitte Access Economics highlights the urgent need for Australia to adopt digital reporting to streamline and enhance corporate reporting and increase the visibility of its public markets.

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FRC prioritises digital reporting as most impactful technology

The UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has identified digital reporting and tagging, including of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) information, as a high priority area for its technology and digital strategy.

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Transparency in political finance disclosures? 

Should political finance data be digital? A new report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) advocates for machine-readable disclosure of political party campaign expenditure in Albania, arguing that strengthening digital disclosure of political party finances would underpin essential democratic transparency.

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Watch again: EAA-EFRAG-IASB workshop on digital reporting

If you missed last week’s popular European Accounting Association (EAA), European Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) workshop on digital financial reporting last week, the recording is now available.

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Covid-19 boosts Digital Payments worldwide

A couple of weeks ago we highlighted news that the Covid-19 crisis has been a boon for digital payments in India, traditionally a cash-is-king country. However, India is, of course, not alone in choosing to shun paper currency right now, with digital payments and, in some cases, fintech services, receiving a pandemic boost worldwide.

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Digital Health Data to supplant PDFs

The Covid-19 crisis has shown just how essential fast, easy, comprehensive access to health and safety data can be. Making sure that this data is in structured, digital format can help accelerate essential research – a lesson the FDA are putting into practice with their new strategy to modernise the submission of regulatory data and […]

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