
Items tagged with "ESG"

Building blocks are key: IOSCO and IFAC support for sustainability standards

Jean-Paul Servais, Vice Chair of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and Chair of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation Monitoring Board, recently explored why IOSCO believes in the IFRS Foundation Trustees’ sustainability initiative and how IOSCO will support it.

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ECB will use all means to correct banks’ climate paths

The European Central Bank (ECB) is pulling out all the stops to guide Europe’s banks toward carbon neutrality and rigorously hold them to account on climate risks, according to a speech by Frank Elderson, Vice-Chair of the Bank’s Supervisory Board and Member of the Executive Board.

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EU plans for sustainability reporting

An EU High Level Conference held yesterday on the proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) brought together a number of high level speakers to discuss the new reporting proposals announced two weeks ago.

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Workiva on Inline XBRL and breaking down walls between finance and sustainability

We’re still finding a lot to be excited about in the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the introduction of Inline XBRL in mandatory sustainability reporting – our colleagues at Workiva, an XBRL International Sustaining Partner, agree.

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IFRS consults on constitution and sets digital agenda for sustainability reporting

A global sustainability standards setter is firmly on the way. The Trustees of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation have opened a consultation on proposed amendments to the Foundation’s constitution.

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US Treasury Secretary Yellen calls for consistency in climate disclosures

In remarks to the Institute of International Finance on 21 April, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen laid out the Treasury’s ‘whole-of-government’ approach to climate change, and emphasised the importance of disclosure.

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European sustainability standards expected within 18 months

In an interview with ESG Investor, Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) task force charged with developing non-financial standards, has said Europe could have sustainability reporting standards within 18 months.

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Big news! Europe to get mandatory digital ESG disclosure using Inline XBRL

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), to amend and replace the current Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD).

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News Item

Gary Gensler in the Chair at SEC

On 17 April 2021, Gary Gensler was sworn into office as a Member of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which he joins as Chair. He was nominated for the post by President Joe Biden early in the year, and confirmed by the US Senate on 14 April.

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A step change in sustainability reporting, says IOSCO’s Alder

If you’re following developments in the international efforts to develop global environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards and a Sustainability Standards Board (SSB), you may be interested in a recent interview in ESG Investor on ‘Making Climate Data Comparable’ with Ashley Alder, Chair of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

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