
Items tagged with "ESG"

EBA seeks input on ESG Disclosure Practices

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released a survey designed to inform sustainable finance policy development.

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Carbon Financials Initiative expands to UK

In order for financial firms to properly take climate change risks and opportunities into account they need comparable, standardised data. Measuring carbon emissions would be a simple, effective and material place to start monitoring the climate impact of the businesses financial firms invest in.

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Sustainability Frameworks collaborate for comprehensive Reporting

Long-time readers of this newsletter will know that one of the major issues holding sustainability reporting back has been the excessive proliferation of confusing and sometimes overlapping disclosure frameworks.

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Momentum for Non-Financial Standards builds

Climate change poses complex risks for financial systems that regulators don’t yet fully understand. In order to properly assess how physical risks and transition risks will interact with each other and other economic vulnerabilities, we need good quality, standardised non-financial data. 

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Hong Kong Banks to report on Climate Risk

Joining regulators around the world who are increasingly concerned about the impact of climate change on financial institutions, the Hong Kong Money Authority (HKMA) recently set out a supervisory approach designed to ensure banks build resilience to climate-related risk.

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SASB invites comment on standard-setting updates

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is seeking feedback on recently published updates to its primary governance documents.

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India consults on XBRL ESG disclosures

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is conducting a consultation into widening their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures with a new mandatory report.

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EFRAG Call for ESG Task Force Members

Europe are seeking expert input as they take the next step in the all-important process of building data standards for non-financial reporting.

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ESMA emphasises need for ESG Standards and Access to Data

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has emphasised the need for standardised Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures in its response to the European Commission’s (EC’s) consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy.

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GRI and SASB collaborate for Sustainability Reporting clarity

As repeat readers of this newsletter will know, sustainability reporting has long been troubled by a confusing proliferation of competing and complementary standards and frameworks that reduce usability and comparability.

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