
Items tagged with "ESG"

EFRAG tasked with proposing Non-financial Reporting Standards

The European Commission (EC) continued making headway on non-financial reporting this week with an announcement that the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is to develop recommendations for non-financial reporting standards.

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ESG Information: Mark up to reduce risk

An article by Romane Maguet and Thomas Verdin, of XBRL Europe, in Revue Banque this week calls for ESEF-style tagging to be extended to non-financial information.

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Accountancy Europe publishes findings from NFI Reporting Paper response

Non-financial (or environmental, social and governance – ESG) reporting is very much on the radar right now, especially in Europe. This week Accountancy Europe added to the debate with a number of new reports, including a follow up to their recent paper, Interconnected Standard Setting for Corporate Reporting. 

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Single Data Access Point to boost ESG Information

A collection of European financial associations have called on the European commission to establish a common Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) data register and facilitate disclosure to enhance the quality and usability of ESG data.

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ESAs call for mandatory standardised ESG Disclosure in NFRD response

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and European Banking Authority (EBA), or ESAs, have provided a joint letter to the European Commission highlighting key messages in their response to the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The ESAs agree that the NFRD needs revising to meet […]

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ESAs announce public hearing on ESG Disclosures

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) are holding a public hearing to explain and discuss their current consultation on sustainability-related disclosures. The consultation explores requiring certain sustainability metrics for financial service providers and products to be disclosed. The aim is to reduce greenwashing by standardising the metrics that are used to classify financial […]

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Addressing Climate Risk Down Under

Adrian Orr, Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, underlined why the Bank believes mandatory disclosure of climate risk is essential for preserving financial stability at a recent virtual roundtable. Financial stability requires all relevant risks to be adequately identified and priced. Climate change presents a direct and material risk to financial stability – […]

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Proliferation of Frameworks risks ‘sustainability reporting fatigue’

A recent article in the Financial Times neatly pinpoints an underlying problem with sustainability reporting: the proliferation of frameworks that threaten to overwhelm investors and reporters. Companies are increasingly responding to investor demand for more environmental, social and governance (ESG) information, however, with so many competing frameworks – such as the GRI, SASB, TCFD and […]

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IMF advocates for mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure

Floods, hurricanes and wildfires have an undeniable impact on the countries and economies devastated by them – but are the risks of these increasingly common climate-related disasters being properly considered by investors? A recent International Monetary Fund report argues that investors and equity markets have been ignoring the growing risk of financial losses associated with […]

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Green Reporting Headed Digital?

In opening remarks at the Eurofiling ESEF Digital Day yesterday, the European Commission’s Alain Deckers described the work going into the review of Europe’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive (or NFRD) which governs disclosure of ESG reporting. The key issue? The need for a single set of high quality standards. An ongoing issue that is receiving attention […]

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