
Items tagged with "ESMA"

News Item
Harnessing AI Regulation for the Greater Good

Harnessing AI Regulation for the Greater Good

In a speech this week, Steven Maijoor, the ESMA chair, reiterated how the democratisation of information and increased scope for AI applications presents a novel chance to build a better, more trusting future. The notion that information can, in the most profound of ways, radically transform markets is clear. Combined with the fact that many […]

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Transformation of Digital Reporting – the Role of XBRL

“XBRL should be on everyone’s radar.” So says Ken Krupa, CTO of MarkLogic, a privately held “unicorn” big data analytics firm in a blog post this week.  “Corporate reporting cannot remain primarily a paper-based* exercise in a digital age. As annual reports are a key part of any company’s understanding of its financial situation, moving […]

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News Item

Public Company Filing in Europe

The Eurofiling/XBRL Europe meeting in Warsaw last week provided updates from ESMA, the European Securities Markets Authority about ESEF. What is ESEF? The European Single Electronic Format – aka – Inline XBRL. The shift towards digital reporting for public companies across Europe is underway. ESEF kicks in for Annual Financial Reports prepared under IFRS for […]

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XBRL Week in Warsaw

Next week the European XBRL community will converge on Warsaw to meet at the XBRL Europe/Eurofiling conference. Prior to the conference getting underway ESMA will host a “Meet the Market” discussion about the ESEF mandate. At the conference there will be an update from the European Commission’s EFTG project – a distributed index of corporate […]

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News Item

Recipe for Success

Nice write up this week from the FRC’s Thomas Toomse-Smith, in the Governance Institute’s online magazine, with a set of prescriptions for all those starting to get ready for the ESMA mandate for Inline XBRL filing. The FRC prescribes a strict regime of public-private collaboration. In short: regulators and standards setters need to work together […]

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Preparing for ESMA ESEF reporting: CoreFiling launches a tool

Contributed by David North, Head of Software Engineering – CoreFiling ESMA’s ESEF mandate is coming, and companies affected will need a compliance solution in place by 2021. At CoreFiling, we’ve already demonstrated that two of the major apps on our XBRL Certified™ True North® data platform can be used for search (Full Beam) and review (Beacon) […]

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News Item

Creating Business Value with the LEI

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) hosted a webinar last Thursday (16 November) to highlight and discuss progress in LEI reporting and supervision. This provided another opportunity to remind market participants to obtain an LEI in readiness for the European Union revised MiFID II mandate. With less than two months before the MiFID II regime […]

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News Item

ESMA opens up for Inline XBRL tests

Preparations for 2020 have already started at the European Securities and Markets Authority, which announced this week that it is seeking volunteers for Inline XBRL field tests. These will consist of transforming annual financial reports from issuers into Inline XBRL documents, in accordance with ESMA’s draft of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) specification. Annual […]

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News Item

ESMA Thinking Through Extensions

On 6 June, the European Securities & Markets Authority will run a “Meet the Market” workshop in which its broad proposals for the rules that will govern Inline XBRL filing in Europe from 2020 will be discussed. In preparation for that event, ESMA released a range of unofficial, draft working papers for the consideration of relevant parties, including a set of proposals on Extensions.

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Call for XBRL in Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Chaired by Michael Bloomberg, the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is due to publish its final report in July. The TCFD is developing voluntary, consistent, climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. One of TCFD’s main challenges is to create a […]

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