
Items tagged with "Eurofiling"

Highlights from Eurofiling

The 29th Eurofiling Conference, hosted by the Central Bank of Ireland in Dublin on 6 and 7 of June, provided a wealth of insights into the future of financial, sustainability, and regulatory reporting. Key presentations underscored the evolving landscape of data management and the critical role of trust, technology, and collaboration in this domain.

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Congratulations on a successful 29th Eurofiling conference

Congratulations to the organisers, speakers, and attendees for making the 29th Eurofiling Conference a success! Kindly hosted by the Central Bank of Ireland in Dublin these last two days, this year’s conference focused on the future frontiers of financial, sustainability, and regulatory reporting with the integration of human and artificial intelligence.

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29th Eurofiling Conference

6th June, 2024

Embark on a journey into the future of financial, sustainability, and regulatory reporting, where human intelligence intersects with artificial intelligence. Register for the 29th Eurofiling Conference on 5-6 June 2024, hosted by the Central Bank of Ireland in Dublin.

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ECB, EBA work towards more integrated reporting

The Eurofiling conference reconvened at the ECB’s HQ this week, with proceedings kicked off by Ms Silke Stapel-Weber, the Director General for Statistics at the European Central Bank. Ms Stapel-Weber announced that the next step of the Integrated Reporting Framework (IReF) has been approved by the ECB’s governing council.

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EBA, EIOPA Announce DPM 2.0, Conduct Meet the Market

More from the Eurofiling conference. The European Banking Authority (EBA) and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) announced a range of new developments, including the release of the Data Point Model 2.0.

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Eurofiling releases conference agenda

The 28th Eurofiling Workshop will be held on 13 and 14 June at the ECB in Frankfurt and is divided into four thematic blocks (half day each)

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Eurofiling releases new version of taxonomy to aid validation

The Eurofiling Foundation has updated the Eurofiling Taxonomy, which provides support to numerous taxonomies that deploy the Data Point Model (DPM).

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Europe goes electronic: ESEF today, ESG tomorrow?

The latest Eurofiling event, themed ‘ESEF today, ESG tomorrow,’ shared experiences of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and looked ahead to the future of reporting in Europe: digital, comparable and wide in scope.

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Eurofiling: XBRL Data feeds Explainable AI Models

Amongst several fascinating presentations at the Eurofiling Innovation Day this week was an interesting demonstration on how XBRL reports can be used as the basis of explainable AI for bankruptcy prediction.

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Eurofiling Conference 2019

This week regulators, supervisors, industry and vendor representatives met in Frankfurt for the 2019 Eurofiling Conference to discuss regulation, technology and data collection today and into the future. We’ll have a full run down next week, including links to presentations.

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