
Items tagged with "Europe"

News Item
Europe-wide Supervision for Stronger Banks

Europe-wide Supervision for Stronger Banks

President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, argues that the disjointed nature of national supervision and resolution in Europe in 2008 led to markets fragmenting down national fault lines – with individual nations creating negative spillovers by defending domestic policy at the expense of united efficiency and stability.

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Better Data. Better Analytics. A Call for Papers.

The XBRL Week run jointly by Eurofiling and XBRL Europe and to be held at the ECB headquarters in Frankfurt will include an Academic track on 7-8 June 2017. The Programme Committee for the Academic Track seeks papers, including from Phd Candidates and Industrial Researchers, on the way that corporate data can be used in […]

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London Calling: The EBA has announced new rules for banks in Europe.

EBA Updates Reporting Requirements for EU Banks.

New rules come into force on 30 June 2017, with enhanced validation rules and revised reporting requirements to impact banks across Europe.

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News Item

New XBRL EU SBR Working Group

XBRL EU SBR Working Group. XBRL Europe has launched a new Working Group, co-chaired by Frans Hietbrink from XBRL Netherlands and Elina Koskentalo from XBRL Finland, to identify and provide guidance on best practices regarding the implementation of Standard Business Reporting. The overall focus of the group will be to educate those involved in the business reporting supply […]

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Proposed 2017 Ireland Financial Reporting Taxonomy Released

Interested parties are invited to review modelling applied to the financial reporting requirements for the Republic of Ireland under FRS101, FSR102 and IFRS.

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XBRL Week in Frankfurt

6th June, 2017

Save the Date: 6-9 June 2017 http://eurofiling.info/portal/  

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XBRL Europe Day

16th February, 2017

XBRL Europe Day, presented by XBRL Netherlands and XBRL EU, will be held on the 16th of February 2017 in Amsterdam.  

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FinTech can Accelerate Capital Markets Reform in the EU

recent report by the European Commission highlights the need to accelerate reform through the completion of the first set of Capital Markets Union initiatives in order to “ensure easier access to finance for businesses and to support investment in the real economy”.

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Risk Management, Interoperability and Information Standardization

17th November, 2016

XBRL Spain is hosting a conference on Risk Management, Interoperability and Information Standardization using XBRL.

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Standardised Credit Scores for Spanish SMEs put into effect

The Bank of Spain has put into effect regulations for providing a standardised bank credit score to SMEs. The score is based on XBRL company filings from the business registrar combined with benchmark data about the performance of the relevant individual business sector from ECCBSO.

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