
Items tagged with "Europe"

EU consults on new ESG Disclosure Standards

The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have published a consultation paper seeking input on proposed environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure standards for certain financial services providers and products. The proposals would require the sustainability characteristics or objectives of financial market participants, advisers and products to be disclosed. EU-wide benchmarks for determining ‘sustainable’ activity would be used to […]

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ESEF for Investors

The recently implemented European Single Electronic Filing (ESEF) mandate, which will require IFRS annual reports for 2020 onward to be reported with iXBRL tagging, isn’t just crucial for compliance. ESEF will also be of significant interest to investors, as noted in a blog post on Holland Fintech this week. ESEF will have a significant effect […]

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EU establish Sustainable Investment Terms

To encourage private investment in sustainable growth the EU Council has adopted a classification system aimed at creating a common language on environmental objectives across Europe. In order to reduce greenwashing and improve investor confidence in financial products labelled as ‘sustainable’, common, clear metrics through which to discuss environmental objectives are important. An EU wide […]

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ESMA answers Alternative Performance Measures questions

With the Covid-19 fallout making unprecedented modifications to business-as-usual these past few months, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued updated guidance on the application of Alternative Performance Measures (APM Guidelines) in context of the pandemic. The new Q&A highlights the main relevant principles of the APM Guidelines, which should be used when […]

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EBA Updates Remain on Track.

National economies and the global economy are relying on central banks more than perhaps they ever have, with a host of emergency funding mechanisms in place right around the world. Central banks run on data. This week the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the next update to the package of reporting rules that comprise Phase […]

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ESMA on ESG Enforcement Actions

The recent European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) annual report on enforcement of corporate disclosure demonstrates the increased attention paid by regulators to Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures. The report presents the 2019 activities of ESMA and European accounting enforcers when examining the compliance of financial and non-financial statements provided by European issuers. Enforcement […]

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ESMA publishes ESEF Conformance Suite

This week the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a European Single Electronic Filing (ESEF) conformance suite to facilitate implementation of the regulations that came into effect at the start of this year. The Conformance Suite is aimed at XBRL software developers and is designed to test whether Inline XBRL software can create and […]

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Non-Financial Reporting in the EU: Changes Ahead? 

The EU Commission recently announced an ambitious review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive – which will include work on non-financial reporting standards. Taking into account the host of measures and expectations set out in European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis’s speech, it is likely that companies in the European Union should expect major changes in the […]

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EBA issues updated Validation Rules

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published a revised list of validation rules in its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting. Rules that have been deactivated either for incorrectness or for triggering IT problems have been highlighted. The EBA notes that data submitted in accordance with these ITSs should not be formally validated against […]

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EBA considers Data Management in Resolution Evaluation

The European Banking Authority (EBA) have published a guide highlighting the importance of assessing data management when evaluating an entity for resolution. In a year when Europe’s Single Resolution Board (SRB) has shifted to full XBRL reporting, the importance of high quality data in this area is increasingly evident. The SRB collects huge amounts of data […]

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